DIY Astro – build your own red light torch

DIY Astro – Red light torch

6 simple steps to convert a £1 head torch from Poundland, 3 AAA batteries and a Mini Babybel cheese(original) into the must have gadget. Thanks to Marjorie for the cheese inspiration.

  1. Gather aforementioned items and get some scissors too;
  2. Unpack the torch and the cheese. Careful to keep the cheese wrapper in one piece(I failed here);
  3. Put the batteries in the torch and fold over the wrapper across the Babybel logo;
  4. Unscrew the front of the torch and place the front bezel over the wrapper;
  5. Cut around the bezel to give two round red discs and pop onto to the torch front (bezel still off);
  6. Screw the bezel back on ensuring the discs stay in place and switch on the torch.

Costs: torch £1.00, batteries 60p, cheese 30p. Total £1.90


Millets Red Light

If this is too much fun for a cloudy evening then why not buy a red light head torch from Blacks or Millets for just £5. It has 3 modes: two of white and one of red. You need to remember to click 3 times for On and once for Off.

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