Public Stargazing

Keep looking up with Bath Astronomers by popping along to one of their public stargazing events at various locations around Bath, Somerset, and sometimes beyond. We bring the telescopes. You bring your minds and your eyes.

Stargazing at Stonehenge

Events are generally without charge but, for some, a small fee is charged to cover the cost of facility hire.

As a group we endeavour to organise two opportunities each month from Autumn to Spring for the public to go stargazing with experienced amateur astronomers and share the wonders of the night sky. The weather often scuppers a few sessions and so we aspire to actually deliver one successful public stargazing session per month. It is important that anyone interested in joining us checks the Bath Astronomers website within 2 hours of the scheduled start time and before travelling to see if it is still on. We reserve the right to cancel without notice and without liability for any reason including the weather forecast, prior event that month was successful, venue access and safety, and astronomer availability and their personal safety.

These family friendly events give the local community to see various objects within our Solar System, the Milky Way, and the Universe nearby. What can be seen varies from location to location, night to night, and month to month. Meteors. Satellites. International Space Station. Planets. Moons. Comets. Stars. Constellations. Nebulae. Galaxies.

We ask visitors to be respectful and considerate of others, both stargazers and those living in the vicinity. This includes when parking, talking (volume and language), and sharing viewing time on each of the telescopes available.

If you have a question about an event, you can email us on outreach@ or if you’ve an astronomy question, you can ask below. Alternatively you can sign-up to our no obligation email list which will keep you updated of future stargazing opportunities.