Talk by Dr Emma Curtis-Lake

Bath Astronomers’ monthly talk on 27th March is kindly given by Dr Emma Curtis-Lake, STFC Webb Fellow, and is entitled “Discoveries in the distant Universe with JWST”.

The first year with the Webb Space Telescope has been an exciting one! It has probed star-formation near and far, characterised exoplanets like never before and looked further back in time than Hubble Space Telescope, launched in 1990, could ever see.

Dr Emma will give an overview of some of the exciting results from the Webb Telescope. If you want a sneak peek, check out some highlights here: Dr Emma will be joining us remotely via Zoom.

Dr Emma is an astronomer with a PhD from the University of Oxford. After working in Edinburgh, Paris, and Cambridge, she is now the STFC Webb Fellow based in the Centre for Astrophysics Research at the University of Hertfordshire. This means she gets to do science with the Webb Telescope while taking the public along for the journey.

Talks are currently held in the Gallery of the Herschel Museum of Astronomy (19 New King Street, Bath, BA1 2BL) each month for members and those interested in astronomy/stargazing. There is a £5 fee for non-members (refundable if you become a member). £2.50 fee for students. Free for accompanied 16 or under. We ask non-members to email us beforehand so we can ensure we have sufficient chairs out –

Doors open at 7:15pm. The event commences at 7:30pm with an introduction and update of what is going on in the society and the night sky before handing over to the speaker. Last entry at 7:40pm for running late.