Andy Burns will be joining us on the evening of Wednesday 22nd January to talk to us on “Planning your trip for the 2026 Solar Eclipse” in northern Spain. Andy helps run an observatory in Spain and is very familiar with the climate and logistic issues that need to be managed to make a trip a success. Andy was the Chair of Wiltshire Astronomical Society until recently.
The eclipse takes place on Wednesday 12th August 2026 between 19:30 and 20:46 CEST depending on your precise location. The talk will look at all the aspect such as ​weather, location, alternative planning, accommodation, transport, and even equipment.
This talk is being held at Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution for members and those interested in astronomy/stargazing. The venue address 16-18 Queen Square, Bath.
Doors open at 7:15pm. The event commences at 7:30pm with an introduction and update of what is going on in the society and the night sky before handing over to the speaker.
Book yourself a seat via Bath Astronomers’ Ticket Office