Uncategorized Stargazing and Coronavirus 18 Mar 202018 Mar 2020 Bath Astronomers are very active in organising meetings, public stargazing and outreach to schools and youth groups. Given the current Coronavirus situation, all events in the next 10 weeks have…
Uncategorized Starry Skies kicks off 28 Feb 202028 Feb 2020 What a lovely night down at Hutton supporting Space Detectives and the local CPRE group on promoting their Starry Skies initiative to get people in the area looking up and…
Uncategorized Owen Brazell talks this month 25 Feb 202025 Feb 2020 February's speaker is Owen Brazell and he'll be with us on Wednesday 26th. Start time is 7:30pm; doors open at 7:15pm. The venue is the Herschel Museum of Astronomy on…