Update 9th March 17:00 – Forecast 100% cloud cover so it will be a talk and a meet up only tonight. Unlikely to see stars unless you bang your head.
Bath Astronomers are invited to join Wells and Mendip Astronomers and Tiverton and Mid Devon Astronomical Society at their joint Messier Marathon evening at Charterhouse Outdoor Activity centre on Saturday 9th March 2019 from 6pm.
The evening kicks off with a talk on how to go about finding as many Messier deep sky objects as possible in a single night. Then you can choose to set up your own telescope, chat to and ask to look through other people’s scopes or go see Mark in the observatory there to look through the 18″ Fullerscope Newtonian telescope.
The address of the Centre is:
Charterhouse Outdoor Activity Centre, Bristol BS40 7XR
All are welcome and tea/coffee facilities are available.