Oh My God…We’re all gonna die

A talk by Nick Howes on Wednesday 27th January at 7:30pm (doors open 7:15pm).

Nick will take us through the perceived threats in space to our existence, and he’ll hone in on the ones that could truly change the face of our planet forever. Hopefully none of these will occur before the end of the month so we should be ok for the Zoom meeting. In the event of an imminent impact from the depths of space, I do hope you’ll still be able to connect for the gathering and talk and to say goodbye.

Nick is an enthusiastic speaker, works in the space industry, and lives locally nr Chippenham.

Well worth coming along by firing up Zoom and just coming in to listen or asking questions. We’d love to have you come along simply using https://zoom.us/j/3212071969?pwd=MzYvOWFKM2FFZlJieFpCdVZHTjVWdz09. Install Zoom beforehand (https://zoom.us/download) and no need to register.