On Wednesday 12th January a Bath Astronomers’ team comprising Camilla, Prim, Roger, Simon, and Steve were the guests of Year5 and Year6 of Abbot Alphege Academy. The plan was to get the binoculars and telescopes out and let everyone have a look at the bright objects in the night sky that evening
We started at 5:30pm and the Moon and Jupiter were already well risen and easy to find. Parents and staff had come along too so we were over 40 people. We split into 2 groups. One group initially made planispheres out of card so that they could find out what constellations would be visible each day of the year. Camilla lead the students in making these useful tools. The second group joined Prim, Roger, Simon, and Steve with 4 telescopes and 10 pairs of binoculars to look at the craters on the Moon and the moons around Jupiter.
After 30 minutes we swapped groups so everybody had an opportunity to make a planisphere and to look through all the telescopes. By 6:45pm, it was over and we were on our way home.
Thank you to Mrs Sharma who organised the event and to all the great Bath Astronomers’ members who volunteered to help out.
The event got a write up in the Bath & Wiltshire Parent magazine: https://tinyurl.com/29bj9hhe