“Exploring the Extreme Universe” with Dr Julie McEnery, Project Scientist for the Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope at Prior Park College, Ralph Allen Drive, Bath BA2 5AH on the evening of Tuesday 3rd May from 6pm to 7:30pm.
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to join the audience to hear Dr Julie McEnery talk about the latest research on black holes, highly magnetic stars, and stellar explosions based on data from the Fermi Space Telescope. An excellent science communicator, Julie intends to guide those with no prior knowledge though the discoveries of the past decade and the mysteries still ahead. The £10 entry fee includes a reception with wine/soft drink and canapés prior to the talk. You can book via https://www.thepriorcommunity.co.uk/exploring-the-extreme-universe. Bus services (No 2) to the “door” and ample parking available on site. Monies raised will go towards building a new community observatory at Prior Park.
About Dr Julie McEnery
Julie is the Project Scientist for the Fermi gamma-ray Space Telescope and an astrophysicist in the Astrophysics Science Division of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. She is an Adjunct Professor of Physics at the University of Maryland and at the George Washington University. She is co-Director of the Joint Space Science Institute between Goddard Space Flight Center and the University of Maryland. In 2011, she was elected a fellow of the American Physical Society.
As Fermi Project Scientist, Julie provides scientific guidance and information to mission staff, working with all elements of the mission — from instrument teams to mission operations. These efforts maximize scientific return from the observatory.
Following her time studying at Prior Park College, Julie received her BSc in Physics with Astrophysics from the University of Manchester in June 1993. In August 1997 she received her Ph.D. in Physics from University College Dublin.